Aura Healing
Heal and remove distortions from your aura
The aura is the primary area through which we hold onto negative patterns, and through the aura healing, these patterns are found, removed, and the aura is sealed with holy energy.
Our aura can be damaged due to physical/emotional trauma, or drug (including prescription) and alcohol use. The aura is also like our energetic skin, and it keeps bad things out and helps to keep positive energy in. When our aura is damaged, we can ‘leak’ our energy and become depleted, while also allowing in negative outside energies.
If you feel continually tired, unmotivated, lackluster, and have been having difficulty finding out why through traditional and alternative models of healthcare, there are most likely holes that need to be repaired in your aura.
The aura healing often includes a very detailed explanation of what was brought to the surface and healed, to give you the guidance you need on where to focus your own healing and efforts.
Time: 45 minutes
Cost: $350