Home & Office Blessing
With Crystal Gridding
Uplift the energy of your space.
Imagine being in a space with so much positive energy that you are uplifted every time you are in that space…
Imagine people commenting frequently on how good they feel as soon as they walk into your house or business…
Imagine going to sleep in a sacred space, receiving healing while you sleep, and receiving more guidance and intuitive understanding from your dreams…
…that is exactly what these crystal grids do.
Your space will be permanently transformed (as long as the crystals are not taken down) to a much higher level of energy. This energy will uplift you, protect you, help you in your healing, and will raise you and all guests of this space up on a constant basis.
Four specific crystal grids can be set in your home/office, to bring in the energies of:
Balancing masculine/feminine at their purest
The Details
Cost = Varies with space. Prices start at $1,000.
Crystal gridding starts at $1,000 and can be significantly more expensive as it is an extremely involved process. Before the crystals are placed the space must be energetically purified and uplifted before the crystals are set. Often times 100+ crystals are used, and each crystal needs to be individually wrapped, set in specific patterns, and then activated in a specific way.
Time = Many, many hours go into this blessing.
The placement/setting of the grids can take several hours to an entire day on the blessing. Prior to that, much work is done in selecting and wrapping the appropriate crystals, and creating the layout of the grids.