Ensofic Reiki Healing
This is not normal Reiki.
Is there a challenge coming up for you? Did you just have a physical trauma, say a broken bone or sprain?
Ensofic is the highest ray of creation, and aligns your body and spirit to it’s optimal state. This session is *incredibly* powerful and is one of my favorite sessions to give/receive.
We can also direct this energy to healing negative mental patterns (say grief, resentment, jealous, fear, anxiety, worry, stress about money, etc.) This healing helps clear distortions of those issues on all levels! Soooo many times we can be experiencing a negative emotion or negative mental pattern, and it is because of an old wound/distortion. This will heal/clear that, sometimes in just one session!
As a busy business owner, this healing is often my saving grace!
Time: 75 minutes
Cost: $350